
Jammming | 2024

Jammming is a web app where the user can search for songs in the Spotify library and add them to a playlist.

In addition, the user can add the playlist to their personal Spotify account.

The application is made by me as an portfolio project in Codecademy's Full-Stack Developer course.

Hunter Trophy | 2023

Hunter trophy is a game about a hippo which goes absolutley loco crazy and kills everyone. Even the man with the yellow hat.

A game with unique story from the perspective of the hunted animal, in addition to the art-style and design being unusual.

The game is made by me and Fredrika. I have worked with all the coding, level design and overall developing, while Fredrika has made all the art and been incharge of UI and UX.

Password Manager | 2023

Password Manager is a very simple password manager where the user can create, change and store passwords on a database.

Moreover, can the user register an account and login.

The application is made by me as the final project to CS50's Introduction to Computer Science.

Solo Space Fighter | 2022

Solo Space Fighter is a 2d top-down game inspired by Asteroids.

The game has a cool and easy feeling of floating around in space. The clean and modern design makes it a relaxing and minimalistic game.

The game is entirely made by me with everything from assets to coding and game design, although it is heavily inspired by the video game Asteroids.